Fish pie is one of those easy-yet-sublime recipes that I should make more often. This exclusive video shows Jamie Oliver knocking together his version. My pathetically photographed interpretation of this dish is here. In my defence, it was a very early post… Note that Jamie has quite a knack with that potato masher.

Excellent with coffee, these little almond biscuits from Turkey and the Balkans are quick and easy to make. Mix 400g of ground almonds and 150g of golden caster sugar together and add two or three drops of almond essence and two tablespoons of rose water. Bind the ingredients together with two lightly beaten eggs, and [...]
almond recipe,
Claudia Roden,
Jewish food,
The Book of Jewish Food: An Odyssey from Samarkand to New York,
I’ve never really liked ‘performance’ cookery. Most of the cooking I do is on the hoof, unplanned, un-shopped-for and generally last minute and chaotic. Quite often, it’s done without really enough time. It’s in this type of cooking that the real skill lies. What marks out a great cook is not the ability to produce [...]