Ian Marber, the nutritional therapist behind The Food Doctor brand of healthy food products and clinics, is a mainstay of daytime TV and magazine and newspaper food and wellbeing columns. He released his first book in 1999, and has published regularly ever since. How Not to Get Fat – Your Daily Diet is Marber’s latest [...]
There’s no point at all in beating about the bush here. I’ll show my cards right from the start. Canteen: Great British Food book struck me immediately as one of those cookbooks that’s going to see some heavy use in my kitchen. It will soon be battered and splattered, spilled over and greasy, such is [...]
There are a lot of myths about game. It’s hard to get hold of. It tastes strong, sometimes bitter. You’ll crack your teeth on lead shot. You can ruin a dish by cooking it for a few seconds too long. As with all myths, these and most of the rest are completely untrue. Game has [...]
There should be little doubt that Britain has a problem with its’ weight. Current estimates rate the level of obesity at around a quarter of the population. That’s a lot of big people. The traditional British diet, heavy in saturated fats and carbohydrates, added to an ever more sedentary lifestyle would seem to be the [...]
cook books,
Nordic Diet,
Olive oil,
restaurant reviews,
Saturated fat,
Trina Hahnemann,
University of Copenhagen,
wine I’ve never really liked ‘performance’ cookery. Most of the cooking I do is on the hoof, unplanned, un-shopped-for and generally last minute and chaotic. Quite often, it’s done without really enough time. It’s in this type of cooking that the real skill lies. What marks out a great cook is not the ability to produce [...]