Kitchenware, gadgets, gear – what should be in your kitchen drawers?
The best in kitchenware, equipment, and gadgets, reviews and recommendations.

The most important things that any half serious cook owns are a couple of good knives. Not a block of sixteen assorted flimsy efforts from IKEA, but two decent knives – one big cook’s knife and a smaller version – either German or Japanese, their edges honed to a razor-sharp finish on a steel or [...]

I’ve always taken gambles when it comes to testing the ‘doneness’ of things, and this sense of lottery normally reaches a tension-filled crescendo just before lunch on Christmas day, when I’m stood in front of an enormous turkey, out of the oven, wrapped in foil, rested and I start to wonder … is it cooked [...];postadid=5000158993 I think that if you really want to know about a person, you should look at the place where they cook. It’s simple, really. In any house, the kitchen is likely to be the most expensive thing that a person invests in, and it’s also likely to be the single room that gets the most [...]

Toasters. I’ve bought loads of them, normally the £15 bargain basement type that last about a year before blowing up and taking the rest of the electrics in the house with them. It’s a false economy, because many cheap toasters equals one really quite good one that’ll last for years. Here’s a good example of [...]

The quest for ever weirder ice cream flavours continues … After the olive oil ice cream from the other week, we’ve now got coconut, and it’s actually quite good – coconut intensified through a little gentle roasting to bring out its essential nuttiness, then used as an infusion in a standard ice cream base. Couldn’t [...]