Food and drink, recipes and cooking
Recipes and cooking, ranging from simple and easy to something a little more challenging.

I often buy lamb from The Wensleydale Butcher, who source animals from across the Dales. £75-ish, depending on the time of the year, will buy half a lamb butchered and vacuum-sealed into plenty of useful cuts. It’s remarkably good value, and the meat comes with cast-iron provenance. ‘Half a lamb’ means exactly that, and it [...]

Right about now is the best time to start thinking about getting some things together for Christmas, and this chutney is one of those things you’ll be quietly smug that you made way back in November when you spoon some of it onto a plate next to some cheese during that weird, dead week between [...]

It’s a strange time to be a baker. Our isolation encourages a regression to more basic needs, more elemental things. We remember, slowly remember, some of the things we used to do, the way things used to be. Necessity is a great leveler and an excellent coach, and the sudden resurgence of people discovering the [...]

These little custard tarts present something of a problem. They’re best cooked very quickly, at very high temperatures, so that the top and the edges scorch in an attractive way. That means that ordinary ovens probably aren’t going to cut it, but that pizza oven out in my back garden might just. That thing is [...]

A couple of weeks ago, I bought a book, a massive seven hundred and sixty-seven page hulk of a book about Nordic food, perhaps unimaginatively entitled The Nordic Cookbook. My short review is that it’s well worth thirty quid of anybody’s money, and this is the first thing I’ve cooked from it and also one [...]