This is an important dish for me. Its one of the first curries I learnt to make, from an old and battered Madhur Jaffrey book. I used to make it in my mum’s kitchen, and we’d eat it outside on the old wooden table, the one with the benches, in the sun, by the hedge [...]

Sometimes, I like simple. Those meals that are just thrown together with little effort and less thought, the ones that somehow transcend their parts and become something quite wonderful because of either the sheer quality of their ingredients or the application of a transformative cooking process. This is one such dish – a deep, rich [...]

Hype cycles are the invention of a big American technology consultancy firm who use them to show the way very new types of technology move from ‘stupid idea, it’ll never work’ right through to general acceptance as something that just ‘is’. A hype cycle is basically a graph that plots a line that rises very steeply [...]

Here’s a turn up for the books. Instead of bubbling away on the hob for a couple of hours to cook, this curry goes in the oven. That’s right … in the oven! Can you imagine that! It’s baked instead of braised. Unbelievable. Your world is never going to be quite the same again, I [...]

On the way home on Saturday, I stopped off at an Asian supermarket close to where we live. It’s a ramshackle, haphazard kind of place, piled high with a huge range of things. There are sacks of rice piled high, fruit and vegetables – big bunches of coriander, five for a quid, coconuts, curry leaves, [...]