There was a time, not many years ago, when it looked like Bradford would be keeping the massive hole left there after the frenzied demolition of the bottom part of town. The plan was to build a new shopping centre, but the financial crash put paid to that. The space was left as rubble for [...]

What? The World Curry Festival draws together the tastes of the Sub-Continent, the Caribbean, Thailand, Malaysia and South America into one three-day celebration of the glorious curry. When and where? The 21st to 23rd June, 2013, between the fountains of the brand new City Park in Bradford, in the shadows of the most stunning town [...]

Prashad has had a lot of hype. I approach hype with a healthy amount of scepticism. I’m good at scepticism – it’s a speciality – and the world of food is littered with things that don’t quite live up to the mark, that aren’t quite as good as they claim to be. For every stellar [...]

I said the other week that the standard of Asian restaurants in Bradford was on the slide. It’s not that there aren’t good places out there, it’s just that some of them don’t seem to be trying very hard anymore. I forgot that whenever I say something like that, the opposite is normally proved right, [...]

Bradford is rightly famous for it’s Asian restaurants. There are some very, very good places, ranging from the ambitious restaurant groups like the Aagrah or the Mumtaz, right through to tiny back street cafes. Some are outstanding, cooking exceptional food, but – whisper this very quietly – some are terrible, serving little more than vaguely [...]