“My father was standing on the edge of the clearing with the moonlight streaming down all over him and a great bunch of pheasants in each hand. His face was bright, his eyes big and bright and wonderful, and he was staring around him like a child who has just discovered that the whole world [...]

There are a lot of myths about game. It’s hard to get hold of. It tastes strong, sometimes bitter. You’ll crack your teeth on lead shot. You can ruin a dish by cooking it for a few seconds too long. As with all myths, these and most of the rest are completely untrue. Game has [...]

These partridge came from the local butcher, and were tucked in between the pheasant and rabbits. It’s officially autumn. Partridge aren’t as intensely ‘gamey’ as some of the larger birds. The meat is much darker than chicken, but isn’t as strongly flavoured as pheasant. It’s a nice compromise. A game bird for people who don’t [...]