You know what’s in it – bread is only flour, water, yeast and salt. That’s it. That’s all you need to make a world-class loaf. Have a look at the ingredients listed on the side of a commercial loaf and ask yourself whether all of those things are really necessary, or are they there just [...]
This tray must be at least 50 years old. It was my Grandma’s, & she used to line it with grease proof paper and bake shortbread biscuits on it, always with a mixture of butter and Stork margarine. We’d watch 60’s Batman on Saturday mornings as she baked and cooked, the smells filling the small [...]
For years, food labelling has been confusing, inconsistent and, ultimately, not that helpful. There have been several different schemes in use, ranging from mind-boggling boxes filled with stats and figures about daily allowance, through to pseudo-colour coding that varied from place to place, sometimes on the front of the pack, sometimes on the back. This [...]
Have you ever had times where you’ve been challenged, where there’s been something that you know you can do much, much better if you just cracked a little piece of technique, if somebody simply showed you how? Yes? It’s true for all of us, and one of my blind spots used to be French style [...]
I’ve got a busy job. It involves a lot of meetings, a lot of running around doing things, sorting things out, making – and sometimes stopping – things from happening. Lately, work has stretched at the seams, slowly drifting into cracks it never reached before … those hours early in the very early morning when [...]