Food politics

What makes Skrei cod different?

Norwegian skrei cod – a Scandinavian delicacy

Cod is very firmly on the endangered list, and we’ve come to accept that its consumption comes with a healthy dose of guilt. That’s no bad thing – trawling has decimated Atlantic cod stocks over the last few decades, with numbers plummeting. That’s true of Atlantic cod – our main source – but stocks in other [...]

Food & drink, Food politics

Horse meat, and where your food comes from

Where does your meat come from? Horse meat, food provenance, accountability and traceability

The scandal of horse meat being surreptitiously sneaked into a variety of products that should have contained beef continues to dominate the news, with daily revelations about fraud and generally shoddy practice in the food industry. Today, there have been arrests, and there will be more. This feels like the very tip of a Titanic-sinking iceberg. There’s [...]

Food politics

EL BULLI – Cooking in Progress

El Bulli: Cooking in Progress

The process of cooking fascinates me, the way in which things change and transform under the eye and hand of a cook, how they become something more than they started out as. I realise the gulf in technique and understanding between an enthusiastic amateur and the professionals … I cook a lot, but I merely [...]

Food politics