In retrospect, last Wednesday evening wasn’t the best night for our first visit to the Midnight Bell. The presence of Arsenal football club at nearby Elland Road for an FA Cup replay against the mighty Leeds United meant that the Bell was packed to the rafters with Leeds fans out for a pre-match drink before [...]

Leeds Brewery have been quietly expanding in Leeds over the last few years. They’ve now got four pubs and bars, each with a distinct identity and reason. PIN is their ‘contemporary cafe bar’, a small bar and restaurant tucked away on Dock Street, just over the river. Given that PIN is a Leeds Brewery bar, [...]

I realised the other day that I haven’t written anything at all about Leeds Brewery yet. The brewery has been in production since 2007, and it’s got a stable of good, solid modern beers, and a trio of staggeringly good pubs to sell it in. Leeds have three permanent beers, supplemented by a range of [...]
Brewery Tap,
Leeds Brewery,
Midnight Bell,
Public house