It’s said of Vienna’s cafés that you consume time and space, but only coffee appears on the bill. These are places to think and contemplate, to sit and read, to discuss the weighty matters of the day over a cup of coffee and a slice of cake. One cup is enough. The waiter will not hurry [...]

Ordering a cup of coffee in a traditional Italian café at a busy time of day is a little daunting for a visitor. Firstly, the place will be chaotic, full of jostling people knocking back espresso in one gulp. Receipts and coins fly everywhere, and at the centre of it all, there’s a gleaming espresso [...]

Photo: www.psfk.com Most people have an opinion about Starbucks, and it’s generally one of two polar opposites. Not many people sit in the middle. Starbucks have expanded rapidly over the last decade or so from a small, cultish Seattle coffee chain to a global coffee behemoth, with over 16,000 stores in forty-nine countries. The credit [...]